When the fishing is this good, we were our smiley faces. But what about finding small smiley faces on the gill plates of two different Silver Salmon caught on the Togiak River? Who put them there? When was it done? How did they do it? And maybe even more important, why? What is even more intriguing to our guides and fisherman is that there was a very similar one found on the gill plate of a Sockeye Salmon on the Nushagak River some 100 miles away. It remains a mystery at this point, but we will keep digging.
Fishing was a near repeat of the week before. Frickin’ great! Come on, how else do you describe the volume of catching that took place each day You can not really say ‘off the hook’ because is was a whole lot of ‘ON THE HOOK’! The only less than epic fishing was in Katmai National Park, but even that was pretty dang super. The big difference between this week and last were a couple of monster Silver Salmon being landed with one approaching the mythical twenty pound mark and a little more color to the Dolly Varden!