Under Commercial &
Special Use Permits
• Katmai National Park
• Togiak National Wildlife Refuge
• Wood Tikchik State Park
Mission Lodge | Bristol Bay Alaska
Alaska Fly Out Lodge in Remote Bristol Bay | The State’s Premier Lodge
Mission Lodge is easily considered to be Alaska’s finest fly-out lodge operation. Located in the heart of the Bristol Bay region of southwest Alaska, we are within easy flying distance to the finest waters in the state.
Depending on the week or our season, we target five species of bright, fresh Pacific Salmon as well as the native species of fish that include Rainbow Trout, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden, Arctic Grayling, Lake Trout and Northern Pike and most any combination thereof.
If you and your group are interested in a first class luxury experience, without comprising great fishing, this may well be your kind of place. We are committed to providing the best service possible with the ultimate goal of having fun while catching lots of fish!
A: Transport from Dillingham as described above, all meals, beverages accommodations. Fully guided daily adventures (including float plane transportation), all necessary gear and equipment (including fishing gear , waders and wading boots), filleting, packaging, freezing of Salmon species.
A: The following items are NOT included:
• Items of a personal nature such as; massage, gift shop purchases and fish smoking.
• Gratuities (suggested 15-20% of package price)
• Flights to and from your origin to Anchorage, Alaska.
A: Our typical maximum most weeks is no more than 20 guests, with the ability to take it to 24 upon request.
A: It depends on the month and the season – wet seasons are worse than dry seasons. Normally unless you are hiking in the tundra the bugs are not bad at all. They can be pesky at times in the evenings on the decks if the wind is still. A good bug repellent with deet is highly recommended. Mosquito netting is normally not needed but if you plan on doing a lot of hiking it may be a good idea. The lodge has bug repellent but you are always encouraged to bring your own.
A: Anchorage, AK. The lodge provides air transportation from Anchorage to Dillingham, Alaska. We then transport you from the Dillingham (DLG) airport approximately 20 minutes to the Mission Lodge.
A: YES, our sister company, Katmai Air (www.katmaiair.com) now provides our private charter flight from Anchorage to Dillingham as part of your 'all-inclusive package' starting in 2020. Should you opt out of this flight, both Alaska Airlines (www.alaskaair.com), Ravn Alaska (www.flyravn.com) provide daily service to Dillingham [DLG].
A: The typical day starts at 7:00 am with breakfast (coffee is available at 5:30 am) with planes leaving between 7:30-8:30 am and returning between 5:00 –6:00 pm. Depending on the group size and scheduling for the day you are welcome to request a later start. Dinner is generally at 7:00 pm .
A: 7:00 am full sit down breakfast
7:30-8:30 am depart for a full day of guided activities
5:00-6:00 pm return to lodge
6:00-7:00 pm appetizers are served and activities are scheduled for the next day
7:00 pm Alaska gourmet dinner is served
After dinner guides sit down with guests and talk about the next days activity
A: Mission Lodge is only open during the prime fishing months and the prime weather months. Any time from June-September is excellent it just depends on your activity desires. If you are specifically seeking a certain species of fish or a particular animal then sometimes are better than others. Please refer to the fish and animal viewing chart.
A: Mission Lodge has over 40 boats stashed throughout the Bristol Bay region. Many of the destinations you will fly in and meet your guide who will be waiting for you with a boat. Other destinations you will fly with your guide and will have a boat at your destination. Some destinations will be accessible only by foot, others will have a kayak waiting for you or you will bring a raft with you. All of this will be pre-planned the evening before and will be fully orchestrated by your professional guide.
A: We have several opportunities within easy boat access from the lodge.
On average in a season we only have approximately three (3) days in which the planes cannot fly at all. We never compromise customer safety EVER. If it is not safe we DO NOT fly.
A: We have so many destinations it is hard to answer this question. Your destination travel time will be anywhere for 10 minutes to 1 and a half hours. Much of this depends on winds and weather. In a normal week you will generally only travel on average 20-40 minutes a day by plane (EACH WAY). Some of our destinations are close and only a 10-40 minute boat ride from the lodge.
A: The lodge operates three (3) De Havilland Beavers on floats. Our safety record is without injury incident in over three decades of operation.
A: Absolutely, no plans are made before a guest arrives. Each night the head guide will talk to each guest about his/her desires for the next day and then prepare a plan for the following day. The plans will be posted on a guest board each evening.
A: We ask that each client not take more than one 50 lb. box of SALMON ONLY
WE PRACTICE A STRICT CATCH AND RELEASE POLICY ON ALL RESIDENT SPECIES (Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Arctic Char, Grayling, Pike and Lake Trout).
Under Commercial &
Special Use Permits
• Katmai National Park
• Togiak National Wildlife Refuge
• Wood Tikchik State Park