[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/UTjPB0lihCw?list=UUjZdwLO0yV_HF4_NiyAwUcQ” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
“Honey Wagon” was born in 1994, my second year of guiding at Rainbow King lodge. Supposedly, I had proven myself so talented in the first year that I got promoted to hauling feces to the Iliamna sewage lagoon when I returned that next summer. For three days straight, I pumped the juice out of the lodge holding tank into the 500 gallon trailer apparatus and drove the suburban at every bit of 10 mph to the glorious destination. This valuable time in the cockpit was spent humming a goofy tune that later fit perfectly into my guitar skills at the time, which consisted of your basic three chord G-A-D progression.
Employee Corner
[iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/Mbmby2p2xfw?list=UUjZdwLO0yV_HF4_NiyAwUcQ” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen]
“Eskimo Tradition” came along around the year 2000 after spending a year and a half in a little village called St. Marys out on the Yukon Delta flying for Hageland Aviation. The song chronicles the yearning for the good ‘ol days of the Alaska bush by a young pilot who can’t quite match his Alaska adventure expectations with modern reality.
Togiak King :: Spey Rod
Quick little video of Guy Fullhart fishing [catching] a King Salmon in Bristol Bay. And yes, he got left on the river to rot while the boat went off to a new fishing spot. The tiny violins are playing and the only tear shed was when a bug got in my eye.
Redfish Can’t Jump – Teaser from Luke Pearson on Vimeo.
Some of you might remember Seth and his wife Francesca Vernon from a number of years ago. Seth is now guiding Redfish in North Carolina full time and she is a school teacher. This video is a teaser to a full length film that he and some friends just completed. We will have a copy of the movie on the lodge for your viewing.
Nature Photography & Prints
For years you have enjoyed Joe Smith’s soft-spoken guiding style and his great photography used through our marketing materials. Recently, Joe has settled into a Jackson, Wyoming and given up summer guiding with us in Alaska to focus on his thriving studio & photography business.
We don’t think we will be guiding with us anytime soon, but now you can enjoy the vision of Joe Smith through his incredible wildlife photography. Visit his website www.wild4nature.com to view his work and order gorgeous, large format prints perfect for the home or office. He has a wide assortment of wildlife and nature shots to choice from, plus he is available for special consignment work.
For more info visit his website or call him at 307-203-9039.