Well is started pretty rough…the king fishing on the Nush was extremely slow. The first few days out there were filled with yawns. We did have some great lake hops and some big rainbows were caught on the Igushik. Toigiak fishing was better but still not quite there. Then came the storm that we needed, high winds and some heavy rain. It was bad enough that we had a rain day but we took advantage of that and had a cornhole tournament in the shop which was lots of fun and some of the matches were real heaters.
The morning after the storm the sockeye arrived and were rolling all around the dock. Half the lodge went down the Wood river and everyone got their fish. Sockeye also poured in the Nush along with a bunch of kings so a great day was had by all. Thank you mother nature for the terrible weather!! It was a roller coaster week but we had the Mack Chase group here and they are a great group of guys and everyone left with a smile on their face.