Always be careful of what you ask for. We all did rain dances, prayers and unspeakable sacrifices to help bring on some much needed rain and just might have over done it a bit. It was more than enough to put out the fires burning all around us. The officials sitting in their offices far, far away were not convinced that it was enough moisture to allow campfires thought. That only changed once the water levels in our lake came up a few inches. Roughly 600 million gallons worth.
While rain jackets sales in the gift shop were brisk, the fish really loved the freshet of water and became vary corporative indeed. King Salmon remained strong on both the Nushagak and Togiak rivers. Lake Hopping continued to be very strong with the addition of Lake Trout adding to the mix of species caught.
The Sockeye Salmon continued to trickle in just enough to catch some here and there. That trickle was also enough to bring in the Bears in full force over at Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park. Kudos to Joe Lee for capturing a Bald Eagle swooping in and steeling a fish at the falls.