This was a recipe handed down from a client some time ago. We were able to round up enough dill in the remote bush to have him demo the technique on a nice Silver Salmon. Later, Chef Hans added his flare to it and we have since settled on the following proportions.
Dry Brine Mix:
– 1 cups Dry Dill (or finely chopped fresh)
– 1 1/2 cups White Sugar
– 1 cups table Salt (non-iodized is prefered)
Fish Preparation:
– place two salmon fillets skin side down, in the same direction, on a large piece of aluminum foil
– sprinkle with pepper flakes and crushed Juniper Berries (Gin alcohol can be substituted for the Juniper Berries)
– pack ‘dry brine’ onto each fillet, covering completely
– carefully fold one fillet on top of the other, brine facing it each
– seal the foil around the two fillets to form a tight package
– place in glass baking pan to catch any leakage.
– apply some weight using a small board and a couple of bricks (or maybe a copy of the congressional budget)
– place in the refrigerator for 3 days (72 hours)
– flip the package every 12 hours (morning and night)
– when done, rinse very, very lightly so as not to wash off the Dill, but just be make sure no globs of brine are left.
– Slice thin at an angle and enjoy with cream cheese and crostini’s or bagels.
Note: at the lodge, we have the unfair advantage of a commercial vacuum sealer, instead of the foil, making for easier handling during the curing process.