Onchorhynchus kisutch
Also known as Coho Salmon are the second largest of the pacific salmon.
Average size: 10 – 12 lbs
Alaska state record: 26 lbs
Tackle used: Silver salmon can be taken using many of the same techniques used for many of the other salmon species, including fly fishing and spinning fishing with lures and jigs. When conditions are perfect, our favorite method is “wogging”. Wog’s or Polywogs are hot pink spun deer hair flies that are fished by stripping the line and chugging the fly across the surface. Silver’s grab these flies violently, making it one of the most exciting methods for catching these fish.
Habitat: As silvers move into the fresh water they also tend to seek out soft water. Large back eddies with pronounced current seams or depressions in the rivers bottom structure seem to hold Silvers very well.