Oncorhynchus keta
Is also known as Calico, keta, Fall or Autumn Salmon, and the Dog Salmon due to their large sharp teeth during the spawning phase.
Average size: 8 – 12 lbs
Alaska state record: 27 lb 3oz
Tackle used: Chum salmon are very aggressive fish, and when hooked can be absolutely explosive. The conventional tackle fisherman can do very well using small marabou lead head jigs(hot pink) fished under a sliding dink float. By the same token, fly fisherman can utilize this same technique using a floating fly line and a strike indicator.
Habitat: When the Chums arrive in the fresh water they tend to congregate in the shallow soft water areas on the down river end of gravel bars. This can be a great situation, often times you will see the Chum’s rolling and moving about in 2-3 feet of water. This makes it possible to stalk and sight cast to these fish. It can almost be like stalking Bonefish on the salt water flats of the south.