Cohos, Cohos and more Cohos!! Just as guests arrived on the 4th of August so did the silvers. The Nushagak and Wood river systems were the first to see good pushes of fish, soon to follow the Togiak and as always GOOD News on the Good News both weeks. Spey anglers were landing over 20 fish a piece. Single-hand Fly-Rodders and spin anglers just wore out before the action ever showed signs of slowing. Rainbows on the Moraine have been strong, and secret creeks are producing nice fat fish as well. Client, Michael Burrus has coined the phrase for these plump fellows – fish with “the diabetes”. Still waiting for the Kvichak to pick up which should happen any day now. Zach Brown band singing on the river will definitely help. Every one loves the Lake Hops for the scenery alone but yesterday Jim Konkel proved it is not just a flight seeing trip. 36” Lake Trout put him on the board and it’s going to be a hard fish to beat.