It is sure nice when things workout on schedule. Trains, planes, doctor appointments and yes, Bristol Bay Alaska Silver Salmon runs. This week brought with it more and more Silvers both on the Goodnews and Togiak Rivers. Right on time. The numbers landed were approaching the silly mark, which usually brings with it complaints of soar elbows, arms and shoulders. That is why we offer massage therapy – to keep you fishing!
Rainbow trout fishing continued to pick up as the salmon spawn really got going on most rivers. We had a couple of fish come to the mouse, but surprisingly the larger Grayling were pouncing on Mickey in great fashion. Catching Arctic Grayling up to 23 inches is pretty cool, but it is even cooler to see them take down your monster dry fly, aka. the mouse.
We switched from our traditional ‘Lake Hops’ over to ‘Refuge Hops’ as the Arctic Char and Dolly Varden ascended the little creeks that feed the lakes of the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge. Unlike the Lake Hops, where you fish the drop-offs where the streams hit the large lakes of the Wood-Tikchik State Park, the Refuge Hops consist of walking up the small clear streams of the refuge and sight casting for beautifully colored Arctic Char and Dolly Varden. Super fun stuff indeed.